Employee morale is extremely important at Aviation Projects as we need to keep our employees happy and ready to work so we can better help our clients with their aviation needs.
As part of our strategic goal setting process, we set a challenge for the team – if all five strategic goals/targets were achieved, the team would be rewarded with a reward of their choice. Together the team chose a Five-Ship Formation flight – not only to experience formation flight, but to get together as a team and meet each other in person for the first time.
The Five-Ship Formation was chosen very specifically, as it requires a significant amount of teamwork, trust and discipline. According to UPRT Australia, “The concept of discipline in the conduct of Formation flying requires a significant attitudinal adjustment. Our fundamental perspectives as pilots must shift from the self-reliant individualistic orientation of a single aircraft operation to a realisation and acceptance of our roles within a collective effort. Each member of a formation must fly his or her position to the best of their ability, and this extends from the lead to the wingmen, regardless of experience. If this is done then trust and confidence will infuse the entire formation. If this is not done, or discipline is poor within the formation, safety will very quickly break down possibly resulting in a major incident.”
After months of hard work and the achievement of all strategic targets, the plans for a Five-Ship Formation flight were set in motion in early 2022. Together with the help of the qualified experts at UPRT Australia, we organised a Five-Ship Formation flight for the morning of 28 April at Archerfield Airport, led by UPRT Australia Directors and Instructors, Shane Tobin and Jeremy Miller.
UPRT stands for Upset Prevention and Recovery Training, with operations based out of Brisbane’s Archerfield Airport. UPRT Australia was formed to provide the aviation industry with the much-needed specialised training in the areas of Upset Prevention and Recovery. UPRT Australia is determined to help minimise the fatalities associated with loss of control inflight, by providing the appropriate training.
The Five-Ship Formation known as Jedi Formation included:
- Extra 300L - Shane Tobin (UPRT) and Keith Tonkin (AP)
- Decathlon - Seppo Saario (Pilot) and Jarrod Bell (AP)
- YAK 55 - Angela Garvey (AP)
- S2A Pitts - David Spong and Peter White (AP)
- S2A Pitts - Jeremy Miller (UPRT) and Elecia Duly (AP).
The day started with a Formation and safety briefing, followed by the flight itself and then a debrief to review the day and identify areas for improvement. The Formation flight started at Archerfield Airport, then tracked south-east over Redland Bay and the bay islands before looping back over Brisbane’s south and back into Archerfield Airport.
During the flight, the team moved through various formation types including vic, arrow and line astern.
The weather was great, the team was excited, the pilots were extremely skilled – we are now ready to get back to work, help better support our clients and work towards our next set of targets.
At Aviation Projects, we provide trusted advice about airport planning, development and operations and aerodrome safeguarding. Contact us today.
Tags: Aviation Projects, AP, UPRT, Archerfield Airport Corporation, Aviation, Formation Flying