The last year was successful for our wind farm clients, with several of them being shortlisted under the Powering Queensland Plan to provide the next wave of large-scale renewable energy capacity for projects located across Queensland. From more than 100 applications, 10 projects have been shortlisted to progress to the next stage. These projects will be managed by CleanCo, a government-owned corporation, and will provide a significant contribution to the production of 400 megawatts of renewable energy. It is a notable milestone for the Queensland Government to diversify the sources of Queensland's electricity generation and support local businesses and employment.
Aviation Projects assisted four of the shortlisted projects to secure development approval by preparing aviation impact assessments and negotiating acceptable mitigation to identified aviation impacts. We are pleased that our work enables improvement in the sustainability of Australia and preserves our unique flora and fauna for future generations. The shortlisted projects we worked on in Queensland are shown in the figure.
For more information on how to address aviation aspects of a proposed wind farm, please contact us.
Tags: Wind Farm Developer, Wind Farm Assessments, Aviation Impact Assessments