by Pavel Davidyuk, Specialist Consultant - Aviation Safety
While the interest in solar power systems and their benefits has continued to grow, a common concern surrounding these systems is their potential to reflect sunlight and how this reflected sunlight can impact aviation activities.
Some solar power generating systems are more suitable for installation in the vicinity of airports due to the potential for solar glare impacts.
For example, solar photovoltaic (PV) systems are comprised of individual solar cells that collect the sun’s radiated energy, convert the energy into electricity, and transmit the power into a usable form. This system is more compatible with airport land use because it is designed to absorb light and minimize the potential impacts of glare.
However, there are other factors that may influence glint and glare from PV systems. These factors include the surface type and siting of the solar panels.
Aviation Projects has extensive experience in the assessment of solar glare and other risks posed by solar farm developments. Our pre-feasibility analysis can provide early identification of potential aviation impacts. Contact us for more information.
Tags: Solar Glare Analysis, Solar Power Systems, Aviation Assessment