The regulation of space activities in Australia has just been updated following a comprehensive review of Australia's strategic objectives, international experience, current technologies and contemporary practices.
This review was conducted alongside the establishment of the Australian Space Agency, which is responsible for regulating Australian space and high power rocket activities and international arrangements affecting space regulation.
The Space (Launches and Returns) Act 2018 sets out the approvals required for the various space activities.
The Act is supported by three rules - General Rules, High Power Rocket Rules and Insurance Rules, and a refreshed Flight Safety Code and Maximum Probable Loss Methodology.
As was previously the case, to manage the risk to other airspace users presented by a rocket launch, the Civil Aviation Safety Authority would require an airspace solution (typically a Temporary Restricted Area) for the launch.
This would be applied for through the Office of Airspace Regulation (OAR) via an Airspace Change Proposal (ACP).
With extensive experience in resolving complex aviation problems, including temporary or permanent airspace changes, Aviation Projects is ideally positioned to assist with securing airspace for rocket launch and/or returns in Australia. To find out more, contact us.
Tags: Space Regulations, Airspace Change Proposal, Space Acitivities, Rocket Launch