As the deadline for submission of revised or new aerodrome manuals draws near (13 May 2021 for existing Certified aerodromes), many aerodrome operators will be working hard to update their manuals and meet the compliance requirements as soon as possible.
CASA has provided a comprehensive suite of guidance material to assist operators with this process, including the Word-template manual and electronic Manual Authoring and Assessment Tool (MAAT). Aerodrome operators can select either of these formats or even elect to use their existing manual as long as all elements of Part 139 MOS are addressed.
Both the MAAT and Word template have standard text prepared by CASA that can be inserted into the relevant sections. This makes it relatively straight forward to compose the manual and provides assurance that it will meet the requirements established in Part 139 MOS. If all the sample text is used, the manual assessment can be a relatively quick and straight-forward exercise.
As tempting as it is to copy all the sample text and move quickly from section to section, operators need to be mindful of the processes and procedures that they’re establishing (and committing to) by including them in their manual. If the sample text provided by CASA is not deliverable and sustainable by the aerodrome operator once the manual is accepted, then they should be investigating other ways to not only meet the minimum requirement(s) established in Part 139 MOS, but establishing procedures at their aerodrome that will be an effective and deliverable feature of their ongoing operating protocols.
Aviation Projects brings considerable expertise to the task of developing new compliance documentation, including aerodrome manuals, and aims to tailor sample text in a template with a comprehensive understanding of individual aerodrome operator needs.
And we can help with resolving an appropriate approach to grandfathering existing facilities that don't conform to the new standards.
To find out more about how we can help with aerodrome operations and compliance, contact us.
Tags: Certified Aerodrome, Aerodrome Manual