Here at Aviation Projects, we take a keen interest in emerging technologies and how they can help transform the Aviation industry. What has been on our radar for a while now is Blockchain technology, The use of this technology is being referred to as Web 3.0 and enables sharing of information across the globe, without friction, and above all, extremely secure and truthful.
What is a blockchain? The standard definition of a blockchain is a decentralised ledger. What this means in reality - a blockchain is a system of recording information which is essentially impossible to change or hack. Everyone who has access to this information has access to the truth. The information (transactions) put on a blockchain are distributed across a large computer network system. To cheat the system, every single computer on the networks record of the transaction would have to be changed.
In October 2018, IATA had foresight and published a White Paper exploring Blockchain in Aviation. This paper was a derivative from a previous study ‘Future of the Airline Industry 2035’. Blockchain was an identified technology which may have a major impact on the future of aviation. The IATA White Paper can be found here.
Blockchain technology is rapidly maturing, and since 2018 when the White Paper was published, many use cases have been identified.
Some use cases for Blockchain technology:
- Digital identity – store one’s identity in a network removing the need for passports and other travel documents
- Airline distribution systems such as ticket management – facilitate transactions between airlines and the customer (customer experience)
- Flight information – single source and up to date truth for use across multiple agencies
- Air Traffic Management – with the arrival of Advanced Air Mobility (AAM), legacy air traffic can be separated from AAM (and between AAM platforms) via live updates of position (without having to know who the operator is – also useful for drone separation and sanitising airspace)
- Cargo and Freight processes – blockchain enables the replacement of handover documents from handlers to forwarders (just to name one streamlined process)
- Blockchain technology provides a scalable, immediate solution for order tracking and authentication.
The above list is just a taste of what Blockchain will enable. At Aviation Projects we provide specialised commentary and advice on all aspects of aviation. If your airport or aviation business wants to keep up to date with business efficiencies and the adoption of new technologies, please engage with us here.
Graphic – source: airport-technology.com
Tags: Blockchain, Aviation, Airports, Safeguarding