With the new aerodrome regulations and standards now in effect, Aviation Projects has been busy providing support to many regional aerodrome owners and operators as they come to terms with their obligations under the new scalable certification structure.
Aerodromes that were previously 'certified' have until May 2021 to prepare an updated Aerodrome Manual and establish the appropriate compliance arrangements, including the 'grandfathering' of non-conforming facilities and equipment.
Aerodromes that were previously 'registered' are now 'certified', and have until May 2022 to prepare an Aerodrome Manual and establish the appropriate compliance arrangements, including the 'grandfathering' of non-conforming facilities and equipment and an appropriate inspection regime.
For the smaller aerodromes that do not have a lot of aircraft or passenger movements, the annual inspection - manual validation involves the following activities:
- A survey of obstacle limitation surfaces
- A check of the monitoring of instrument approach procedure critical obstacles
- A check of the currency and accuracy of aerodrome information published in AIP
- A check of the currency and accuracy of aerodrome operating procedures
- A check of the training and competency of aerodrome reporting/works safety officers
To find out how Aviation Projects can assist with aerodrome compliance and planning, contact us.
Tags: Aerodrome Technical Inspection, Manual Validation, Scalable Certification Structure