The transition to renewable energy
Australia is transitioning to renewable energy sources - find out how this is going to impact the aviation, airports and aerodromes industry.
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Australia is transitioning to renewable energy sources - find out how this is going to impact the aviation, airports and aerodromes industry.
Continue Reading »2022 is a new year, COVID-19 is expected to be in our rear view as international borders all around the world open and the Advanced Air Mobility industry takes off.
Continue Reading »Changes to QLD Wind Farm Development Applications
Continue Reading »Aviation Projects visits the Central-West Orana REZ to verify desk-top assessments as part of the Aviation Impact Assessment process.
Continue Reading »CASA seeks feedback on Draft AC regarding obstacles (wind farms) outside the vicinity of a certified aerodrome
Continue Reading »CASA has recently approved an ADLS system to use in Australia, a positive announcement for the renewables sector.
Continue Reading »Aviation Projects assists Queensland wind farm project
Continue Reading »During this unprecedented time, the renewable energy sector has maintained steady growth and is expected to continue to grow. In his latest blog specialist consultant Pavel Davidyuk discusses the importance of stakeholder consultation for renewable energy developments.
Continue Reading »Aviation Projects has assisted Qld wind farm developers who have been shortlisted under the Powering Queensland Plan.
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