Aviation Projects has provided assistance to the Wagner Group from the initial planning approval through to the construction and operation of Brisbane West Wellcamp Airport and continues to provide valuable ongoing advice and support.
Aviation Projects provided expert advice and guidance on a range of matters including the preparation of initial demand forecasts and scope of aircraft operations, concept layouts, concept airspace and aircraft flight paths and consideration of various other planning and operations matters. They have also provided advice on aeronautical infrastructure requirements and costs and operational advice on a variety of matters. Aviation Projects was able to assist with the introduction and ongoing operation of B747-800F aircraft by preparing a safety case that was approved by CASA.
Managing Director, Keith Tonkin, is thoroughly professional in all of his work and takes pride in providing a tailored solution that considers all aspects of a client’s strategic intent, including the short and long term implications of various recommended actions.
Aviation Projects has been integral to the success of our airport and continues to be a valued advisor to our business.

Manager – Aviation Safeguarding
Peter has enjoyed a long career as an Air Traffic Controller, ICAO PANS-OPS Instrument Flight Procedure Designer, Air Safety Regulator and Aviation Consultant.
As an Air Traffic Controller Peter was previously qualified in Aerodrome Control, Approach and En-Route Radar and Procedural Control services. He has worked all over Australia including Port Hedland, RAAF Base Pearce in Western Australia, Adelaide, and Melbourne.
Peter worked with the Royal Australian Air Force’s (RAAF) Aeronautical Information Service (AIS) where he designed and validated military and civilian instrument flight procedures for all the RAAF airfields in Australia, south-east Asia, and the south-west Pacific.
He also has experience in the survey of helicopter landing sites and airfields in Timor Leste and the Solomon Islands and has also designed instrument flight procedures for medivac helicopter and fixed-wing aircraft in regions where the ADF participate in Peacekeeping operations.
His experience extends to New Zealand, where he worked as an Air Safety Regulator with the Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand. This role involved having regulatory oversight and certifying instrument flight procedure providers, AIS, and Meteorological service providers (Parts 172, 173,175).
Peter was the New Zealand member on the ICAO Separation and Airspace Safety Panel (SASP) providing expert input in the development of modern ATC separation standards, including the use of RNAV/RNP to guide aircraft on final approach paths for parallel runways that enhanced the operational efficiency of major airports whilst maintaining safety standards. His work on SASP was formally recognised by ICAO.
Peter has recent experience in airspace safeguarding assessments for large infrastructure project developments including renewable energy.
Strengths include:
- Airspace protection at all standards of aerodromes
- Instrument and visual flight operations
- Airport airside operations and safety standards airport and flight operations regulations
- Strong time management and task prioritisation skills
- Respectful and respected approach with clients, airport management and flight operations personnel and regulators.
- ICAO PANS-OPS (Procedures for Air Navigation – Operations) Basic and Advanced
- Diploma of Aviation (Air Traffic Services)
- Lead Safety Auditor
- Aviation Risk Management
- Safety Management Systems
- Australian PPL with Command Instrument Rating
- Aerodrome Reporting/Works Safety Officer
- Authorised Aerodrome Weather Observer.