Aviation Projects has provided assistance to the Wagner Group from the initial planning approval through to the construction and operation of Brisbane West Wellcamp Airport and continues to provide valuable ongoing advice and support.
Aviation Projects provided expert advice and guidance on a range of matters including the preparation of initial demand forecasts and scope of aircraft operations, concept layouts, concept airspace and aircraft flight paths and consideration of various other planning and operations matters. They have also provided advice on aeronautical infrastructure requirements and costs and operational advice on a variety of matters. Aviation Projects was able to assist with the introduction and ongoing operation of B747-800F aircraft by preparing a safety case that was approved by CASA.
Managing Director, Keith Tonkin, is thoroughly professional in all of his work and takes pride in providing a tailored solution that considers all aspects of a client’s strategic intent, including the short and long term implications of various recommended actions.
Aviation Projects has been integral to the success of our airport and continues to be a valued advisor to our business.
A reference group representing the local community of Warwick had agreed upon a two kilometre wide corridor within which the power line could be installed. The corridor was located within the vicinity of Warwick Aerodrome.
Aviation Projects was engaged by Ergon Energy to define the areas within the two kilometre corridor in which a structure with a height of 25 metres above the ground could be installed, without infringing the future Obstacle Limitation Surfaces (OLS) for Warwick Aerodrome.
We did this using Geographical Information System (GIS) software by designing the future obstacle limitation surfaces and incorporating terrain elevation data then determining those areas where there was less than 25 metres in height between the terrain and the most limiting surface of the (OLS).