ERM has been working with Aviation Projects for over three years on various wind farm development projects, with positive tangible results for our business and, more importantly, for our clients. The industry leading expertise, level of professionalism and meticulous attention to detail delivered by Aviation Projects are a reflection of the high standards that they set for themselves. The client’s desired outcomes are always of the highest consideration and adherence to standards and regulations are paramount.
I highly recommend Aviation Projects to any business that needs to identify and address potential aviation safety impacts in order to secure a development approval.
Aviation Projects was asked to prepare an Airport Master Plan for St George Airport. The Master Plan establishes the long-term framework for future planning and development of the airport so that it can meet the needs of the community and airport users. The plan will consider community and user expectations and match capacity/facilities such as the passenger terminal, aeronautical, and industrial development opportunities for current and future demands. The Master Plan will be developed according to the Australian Airports Association Regional Airport Master Planning Guideline.
St George, located within the Balonne Shire Council, is a vibrant outback community, consisting of over 3000 residents who regularly use the airport for business, leisure and regular transport operations. The St George Airport provides business opportunities and medical access for the town and connects the region to Bulloo, and Paroo shires and the greater Brisbane area through RPT operations. The development of a Master Plan for St George Airport will identify a strategic vision for the shires only certified aerodrome, and ensure that it remains compliant with the CASA Manual of Standards Part 139.
As part of the Master Plan development, a comprehensive stakeholder consultation plan was designed to maximise the opportunity for the local community and aviation stakeholders to provide input into their region’s airport.
Engagement activities included:
- Consultation with Councillors and stakeholders including local businesses, airline operators and aircraft owners
- Advice to residents regarding the St George Airport Master Plan, its purpose, timeframe and feedback options
- A link on the Council website and Facebook profile to an online survey
- A set of Frequently Asked Questions published on the Council website to promote the program to the wider community
Feedback is important because it helps to understand community and business expectations about the way the airport should be operated and developed. Survey questions included: what respondents like about the airport, expected and current level of service, suggested improvements, other services or facilities that could be provided, other destinations to fly to/ from, commercial development opportunities, the long term strategic vision, and social and economic benefits associated with the aerodrome.
Aviation Projects is committed to providing support and guidance to the Balonne Shire Council by delivering a Master Plan that will meet community and council expectations, is designed in line with future demand for the region and provides flexibility to facilitate business development opportunities associated with the airport.