The Northern Peninsula Airport is a regional airport supporting communities in the northern tip of Queensland’s Cape York Peninsula.

This airport is critical to the achievement of economic, social, health and wellbeing, resilience, aeronautical and commercial opportunities, not only because of the distance from the nearest significant service centre (Cairns), but it is the only place that people can get to and from the region during the wet season when the only access road becomes flooded and impassable.

Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council has engaged Aviation Projects to prepare a Master Plan (establish a framework for future planning and development) for Northern Peninsula Airport, with a view to achieving the following objectives:

  • Establish a strategic direction for the airport
  • Provide for the development of the airport site
  • Provide an indication to the public the intended uses of the site
  • Reduce potential conflicts between uses of the site
  • Ensure that uses of the site are compatible with areas surrounding the airport
  • Facilitate state and commonwealth decision-making.

The Airport Master Plan is intended to establish the basis for more detailed studies of design, infrastructure planning, and land use planning required.

As a result of COVID-19, the aviation industry has been significantly impacted due to a reduction in passenger operations, and this has led to a desire to identify opportunities to diversify the airport’s business and unlock economic development for the region.

Alongside the Airport Master Plan, Aviation Projects’ sister company AVISTRA has been engaged to review air and sea freight services with a view to improving the reliability and affordability of the region's supply chain, and to prepare a business plan to support implementation.

To find out more about Aviation Projects’ airport master planning capability, click here.

Northern Peninsula Airport Master Plan