Aviation Projects worked with Cassowary Coast Regional Council (CCRC) to formulate a strategy and Expression of Interest to develop Mundoo Airport, south of Innisfail, to improve the movement of goods to and from tropical North Queensland markets through a multi-modal freight transport hub - the Northern Australia Aviation Logistics Hub (NAALH).
Following strategic investigation into the existing airport site, surrounding land use opportunities and forecast freight logistics, Aviation Projects’ Property and Finance consultant Daniel Mellish and Airport Planning and Operations consultant Phil Hansen, assisted Council in their bid to attract investors to bring the airport freight hub to a reality.
Aviation Projects provided the following services:
- Identified infrastructure solutions, involving both on airport and regional infrastructure;
- Conducted a workshop with Councillors and Council’s leadership team to identify and investigate strategic aspirations, visions, priorities and constraints;
- Delivered detailed freight volume and financial forecasts covering a 20-year planning horizon, incorporating research of current and future regional freight modes and trends;
- Provided a realistic solution for the Cassowary Coast Region by leveraging existing facilities and planned upgrades;
- Production of a detailed strategic document of all findings, conclusions and recommendations; and
- Production of an Expression of Interest document for the resulting NAALH investment opportunity, together with assistance in identifying potential investors.
Expression of Interest
CCRC now seeks Expressions of Interest in developing a mid-scale multi-modal freight transport hub based at the Mundoo Airport, nearby industrial land and including the only phytosanitary treatment facility in northern Queensland.
Following strategic investigation into the existing airport site and surrounding land use opportunities and the forecast regional freight task over a 20-year planning horizon, Council has resolved to work together with a key investor or investors to bring the airport freight hub to a reality.
Further information can be found on Council's website.