Schools Infrastructure NSW planned the developement of the Budawang School in Milton, NSW. The project involves new purpose-built learning spaces for the Budawang School to cater for students with moderate or severe intellectual disabilities from years K-12.
Due to the proximity of the project site to the Milton Helipad an Aviation Impact Assessment was required as part of the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) Secretary's Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs).
Aviation Projects was engaged to provide an Aviation Impact Assessment for the proposed development, and to assess any impacts and mitigation measures for current operations at Milton Heliport.
The AIA considered all relevant aspects of the the planning and operational context, including:
- Milton Heliport Helicopter Landing Site
- Instrument flight
- Visual approach and departure flight paths
- Obstacle Limitations Surfaces (OLS)
- Air routes and LSALT
- Airspace
- Nearby Aerodromes
- Aviation facilities
- Radar
- Reporting of tall structures
- Plume rise
To find out more about how we can assist in considering potential aviation impacts of your development, contact us.
See the full report on the DPIE NSW Major Projects portal click here.