Aviation Projects has provided assistance to the Wagner Group from the initial planning approval through to the construction and operation of Brisbane West Wellcamp Airport and continues to provide valuable ongoing advice and support.
Aviation Projects provided expert advice and guidance on a range of matters including the preparation of initial demand forecasts and scope of aircraft operations, concept layouts, concept airspace and aircraft flight paths and consideration of various other planning and operations matters. They have also provided advice on aeronautical infrastructure requirements and costs and operational advice on a variety of matters. Aviation Projects was able to assist with the introduction and ongoing operation of B747-800F aircraft by preparing a safety case that was approved by CASA.
Managing Director, Keith Tonkin, is thoroughly professional in all of his work and takes pride in providing a tailored solution that considers all aspects of a client’s strategic intent, including the short and long term implications of various recommended actions.
Aviation Projects has been integral to the success of our airport and continues to be a valued advisor to our business.
In June 2012, Wagner Investments Pty Ltd applied to Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) for approval to construct a B747-capable airport just to the west of Toowoomba in South-East Queensland.
Aviation Projects prepared an Airport Master Plan in response to an information request from TRC and other concurrence agencies that included preparation of demand forecasts and expected aircraft operations, concept layouts, concept airspace and aircraft flight paths, definition of obstacle limitation surfaces and identifying penetrations that required lighting, and consideration of various other planning and operations matters including airport safeguarding measures nominated in Queensland’s State Planning Policy. We provided advice on aeronautical infrastructure requirements and costs. The application was approved in December 2012.
To enable the allocation of appropriate space on the airport for future aerodrome rescue and fire fighting services (ARFFS) and air traffic control (ATC) tower facilities, Aviation Projects was commissioned to investigate potential locations for the facilities and recommend a preferred option.
Aviation Projects provided operational advice to the project as it proceeded to detailed design and operational works. The airport received CASR Part 139 certification on 24 October 2014 and the first regular public transport flight, operated by a Qantaslink Dash 8-400, occurred on 17 November 2014.
Aviation Projects has assisted Wagners Global Services from the initial council approval through to the construction and operation of Brisbane West Wellcamp Airport and continues to provide valuable ongoing advice and support.
Aviation Projects provided expert advice and guidance on a range of matters including preparation of demand forecasts and expected aircraft operations, concept layouts, concept airspace and aircraft flight paths and consideration of various other planning and operations matters. They have also provided advice on aeronautical infrastructure requirements and costs and operational advice. Aviation Projects was able to assist with the introduction and ongoing operation of B747-800F aircraft by preparing a safety case for submission to CASA.
Managing Director, Keith Tonkin, is thoroughly professional in all of his work and takes pride in providing a tailored solution that considers all aspects of a project including the short and long term implications of various actions.
They have been integral to the success of our airport and continue to be a valued advisor to our business.